
Väska, egen
Skor, Topshop
(I'm wearing a vintage beret, a dress and socks from H&M, the bag I made myself and the shoes are from Topshop.)
Du har så himla fina kläder! Kom på att jag har följt din blogg mer än ett år nu :)
I love your beret, it looks so lovely with your blonde hair. That dress is so simple, it's gorgeous.
snälla rara elin, kan du inte lägga upp en sybeskrivning för den blommiga klänningen du sydde för ett tag sedan? den var så fin, du är också fin såklart
aww..søtt anntrekk:)
väldigt söt basker!
Hey, nice that you post more again!
And the outfit is really cute
Oh lovely.
ps. do you twitter?
Beautiful!! Your red beret is just perfect!!
vill du ha fler besökare på din blogg? http://www.viraltrafik.se/?missturkia
man kan få upp till tusen besökare i veckan, varför inte?
de är en kul grej, fler människor läser om just DITT liv. de har redan tittat in några stycken,
tack så mycket! http://www.viraltrafik.se/?missturkia, om du vill att fler folk ska läsa din blogg.
Oh, I love the dress! In some ways it reminds me of that vintage wallpaper, it's really pretty.
tjusigt! gillar kombon av klänningen mot den röda baskern. finfint=)
wow..always love the way u combine the dress with another thing..
cute cute cute
red beret+red lipstick=love
Happy to see that seems you are updating more often
I sure all of us want to see more of your outfits and life =)
Åh, så fint! :D
All kärlek i världen till dig
i'm glad you're updating more often now :D and your outfit looks lovely as usual, and i love how the red beret makes your blonde hair really stand out <3
lovely dress ! and i said alread i was a fan of the red Beret
great outfit :) love the dress
i adore that dress, so pretty.
and red really is your colour. x
wow den här klänningen är jättefin!
var du på nova idag? jag tror att jag såg dig på h&m! :)
Lika söt outfit som vanligt :P
Som alltid snyggt
You are a beauty as always and I really like the sunset atmosphere in the garden, it looks so fresh.
(the dip into the sea must had been too ;p)
Fina fina elin :*
Cute summer dresses are what it is all about. <a href="http://www.dresslaunderette.com/">Dress Launderette</a>
såg den här klänningen nu på tradera, lite din stil
Hur fin är inte din klänning, liksom!!
The contrast of the red of the beret and your lips with your striking hair and dress is wonderful! I love this outfit.
I like how you combined the dress with the red beret and the overknee socks, very cute outfit!
sööt!!! =)
So cute. I really love the red beret and lipstick with your blonde hair.
I'm ABSOLUTELY in love with your blog, seriously, your style is amazing ♥!!!!
elinkan became boring..
look at seaofshoes.com
jane is amazing!!!
I really love the long socks with the floral dress; so quirky and cute!
New Zealand style at www.sophistokat.blogspot.com
häftig outfit! :)
mycket vackert!
vilken fin klänning, ser inte ut som Hm, mer som en 40tals-fin från nån vind eller så =)
i almost bought that dress yesterday at H&M!!!!!
you look amazing in it!
God, I love this outfit.
Gorgeous outfit - you look adorable x Sushi
just for say you
i like your blog, your pictures and your STYLE !
and if you have 5 minutes to lose
you can come on my blog
its just my fashion creations
thanks and bye bye
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