
Igår var jag med nära och kära på Liseberg och åkte karuseller. Det var varmt och fullt av långa, jobbiga köer. Sällskapet gjorde det dock väldigt trevligt. Dessutom vann Joakim ett gigantiskt Daim!
Jag saknar i övrigt mitt blonda hår litegrann, men jag får se litegrann hur jag trivs i det rödaktiga nu framöver.
(Yesterday we were at Liseberg, an amusement park in Gothenburg. The weather was warm, the queues where about 40 minutes on each ride, but still it was quite fun. And lucky Joakim won a gigantic Daim-chocolate!
Someone said they miss my blonde hair, and actually I miss it too. Maybe I'll bleach it back in the future, who knows.)
Oh I love the eyeliner.
Oh no! Stick with the red! It's good to try new things.
Oh, I forgot to mention how much I love the hairstyle! Maybe you could do a tutorial on it.
i loved your blonde hair but you look, of course, amazing with the red hair :) you're soo pretty
tycker du ska ha kvar det röda :)
Jätte fin bild föresten!
åh.., liseberg. skulle egentligen åkt dit nu på tisdag, men jag har hål i fickorna & inga pengar kvar :/
Jag tycker du passar jättebra i den nya hårfärgen! Superbra.
i love the braided hair style. you looked lovely with the white hair, but gorgeous with red. i love it.
suits you so much!
Love the whimsical eye liner! I love your red hair and think it's fun to experiment, but it's all about what makes you happiest!!
Så himla vacker fläta i ditt hår!
Jag tycker du är jättefin i ditt röda! Alltid roligt med förändring :)
My friend and I are blond like you were and she dyed hers to brown recently and had to dye it back after a couple of days because she missed her blond so much. I think you look lovely with the red and I admire your braveness in changing it, I just cannot bring myself to do it at all. <3
I think both your blond and red hair are lovely! Changing hair colors is fun and keeps me from getting bored, but when I first change the color I always miss the old one a bit at first. You can always go back to blonde in the future, but I think you should wait at least until you get used to the red. :)
Oh and I love the braid in the front. Maybe you could post a few pointers on how to do that style?
You look so great ! And I am sure that your hair will get stronger and much healthier now! I had blond hair all of my life and i regret it! after I saw your pictures i am thinking about changing my color!
Sorry to say this, but I think red hair doesn't suit you at all :<
jag tycker att din nya hårfärg är sjukt fin:D
vackra du
I think you look lovely.
You changed your type totally by dying your hair, so it probably takes some time to get used to the red.
What I also like is that your eyes seem more blue with the new hair.
it sounds like you had a lovely time, and to be honest i miss your lovely white hair too it looked so pretty but you do suit red hair too <3
hi...I would like to ask you some questions :
-some months ago, you spoke about selling some of your clothes to international shipping. Did you change your mind or will you do it soon?
-could you tell the name of the beautiful red lipstick you use?
and some stupid questions, if you don't mind to answer ^^ :
-which are your favourites fashion blogs? music? food?
oh... and concerning your hair, I found this colour very beautiful, even if I loved your blond-white hair with your very pale skin (but this is probably only because I have very dark hair with very pale skin..)
i know what you mean cause i have recently changed my hair colour from very fair blonde to my natural - dark blonde, and i don't like it much, i look so sad, im actually making up my mind - if to bleach it again or not?
Oh no! I love the red hair!! (you are pretty in blond too...)
cool plat. it looks so sweet.
Wow, what a striking look! You look gorgeous as a blonde and equally gorgeous as a red
oj, vågad sminkning :) gillart
oh I love the red hair - but even more the blond... not that the red hair does not suit you! it's very beautiful too on you - but I think I miss the blond one too: it must be because my hair is brown, like of most italian ;)
I love your blond hair bud with your red hair you are really cute :) So both are great !
vad häftig sminkning!
Your eyes are like a gazelle's!! I love your hair color. Are you aware of how remarkably beautiful you are?
snyggt snyggt, jäte fin fläta! Åh så himla kreativ du är, älskar din blogg.
you look gorgeous, but it's not the same Elinkan I admired for such a long time.
anyway, I think I'll get used to it and fall in love with your look again.
Jag tycker att du var så himla fin i ditt sockervaddshår som du hade innan.
I think you're lovely with both, I have been reading this blog without commenting for some time now ;)
But I wanted to ask, what is your real haircolor then ? I thought blond because your hairbrows were blonde but now they are dyed red, I don't know =)
Du är bedårande i det röda, Elinkan. ♥
Your eye makeup is amazing!!
i also miss your blond hair.
ditt röda hår är hur fint som helst!
funderar på att också bli rödhårig. undrar bara vad du gör med dina ögonbryn för att dom ska ha samma färg som håret? vad använder du för något? tacksam för svar :) kram
sometimes people need some changes in their live right??
U look great both way though..
love how u wear the eyeliner too..
hey! I actually just featured you and your lovely photos on my blog - check it out!
you are a huge inspiration.. so beautiful!
Please don't!! I love your new hair colour! Reminds me of Julianne Moore and Laura Prepon. :o)
Lovely !
jag saknar det blonda med :(
vilket fint foto!
I always wanted very blonde hair or red hair, now you have (had) both. I love your red hair. It's beautiful:)
Tror jag såg dig på liseberg, men jag vågade inte gå fram och hälsa ;)
älskar bilden
hej elin!
vad tjusig du blev när du färgade håret, vilket du i och för sig redan var innan också. dock undrar jag om du färgade ögonbrynen samtidigt? hur gjorde du?
jag tänkte färga mitt hår lite mörkare men jag vill ju att det skall se naturligt ut och så har jag alltid tyckt att det är fint med mörka ögonbryn. men jag vet inte om jag vågar prova mig på att färga dem i samma färg. en vän til mig gjorde liknande en gång och hon såg ut som en påskkärring i några veckor. inte så roligt som det låter.
jag hade blivit jätteglad för svar. jättejätteglad!
The Eyeliner looks hopping, really suits.
Jag tycker du är fin i rött hår, och jag tycker det är flummigt att vi visst var på liseberg samma dag!
åååå, kan du snälla visa hur du gör en sån där fläta?? (:
wow, artistic make-up! I really like the shade of your hair, actually. Stick with it for a while, maybe you just need to get used to it?
Hairdo tutorial soon, please :D Love it!!
I have also gone from blonde to red. Yours looks just amazing. How do you get the colour and what do you do with your eyebrows?
Kul blogg! Det märks att du gillar att blogga!
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