
I förra veckan fick jag och min syster en sådanhär fiffig elorgel av farmor och farfar. Jag kan inte alls spela, men jag håller på att lära mig att spela Avril 14th som jag tycker är så fin. Dock låter den vackrare på piano än på elorgel enligt min mening.
Tröjan är second hand, kjolen har jag sytt och baskern köptes på en helt ordinär hattaffär i Ystad denna eftermiddag.
Svar till någon som ville veta - mitt bloggnamn sägs som ett ord, som Elinkan.
(Last week our grandparents gave us this electric organ. I can't play it though, but I'm trying to learn how to play Avril 14th. It's such a beautiful song, but in my opinion it sounds best played on a piano.
The shirt is from a vintage shop, tha skirt I've made myself and the beret i bougth this afternoon.)
gud så vacker du är!
Åhh vad kul med en orgel, de låter så lustigt. Inte lika fint som ett piano men ändå fint. :)
åh, exakt en likadan elorgel har min mamma. på den spelade jag låtar av nationalteatern (!) när jag var liten. vi hade ett riktigt bra nothäfte med nationalteaternlåtar när jag var liten, och där satt jag och klinkade låtarna utan att förstå någonting alls av texten... åh, nu saknar jag att spela på den! nostalgi!
oh you are just too cute!
Åh, akkurat sånn orgel hadde bestemoren min! Det hadde jeg helt glemt! :)
you look very much like a doll
Du är så snygg i basker. Hoppas du kan lära dig spela orgel,
Kram Siw
you look sooo pretty and cute :) good luck with that organ :) best regards
you're cute ! :)
Organs are great :D I want one.. ;) your outfit is totally cute, I love the 'double polka dots'.
Do you speak French ?
gillar att du har prickigt o prickigt
du är så söt så söt
vad sött!
That is such a nice outfit. Polka dots on polka dots is one of my favourite things. Hav fun with your organ, it looks fun.
aww, wow.
i love your outfit! it's so cute, you can't not love polka dots :)
an organ, aye? sounds like fun.
du har inte svrat; säger man elin(mellanslag)kan eller elinkan(som ett ord)?
that beret is mighty cute dear.
from marie antoinette? it's beautiful. once you've learned it you should post a video here :))))
Oh my gosh, I'm learning how to play Avril 14th as well! I think it's amazing :)
You look so dainty as always. I wish I could look this perfect every day. <3
I like your polkadot skirt, summery & pretty!
It's summer soon where I live & I'm looking for a good high spf sunscreen & I read a while ago that you wore spf 50, so I was wondering what one you like best?
Gud vad söt du är!
Avril 14th is one of the most beautiful pianosongs ever!
berets look awesome on you
Polka dots always look happy!
So very pretty :D x Sushi
oj vad udda att ha en sådan där hemma.. folk brukar ju ha ett piano.. :)
Can I ask you what's the model of your camera?
I love the effect of your pics, or maybe it's just the northern light :)
Härlig bild!
An "Marie Antoinette"'s Sounds tracks fan too?
Avril 14th is a beautiful song, indeed.
I love your skirt! Even though you wear it quite often it works. If you love something, you should wear it as often as possible!
Good luck on your learning.
snigg stil!!
Jäla fin basker hörru!
I don't understand your language but I like to come here just for the pictures and the atmosphere. Have a nice night ♥
I don't understand your language but I like to come here just for the pictures and the atmosphere. Have a nice night ♥
Hey Elinkan ! I love your blog... and especially your skirt ! Can I ask you where did you get the model to do it ? Is it quite easy to do ? I would loooooove to make my own skirt... Thanks ! xx Camille
that song is amazing and pretty easy to learn on the piano. I play it when ever I cant come up with my own ideas. It's inspiring and emotional - it always helps my songwriters block!
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